Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Ministry Update: Spring 2020

Resurrection Blessings

Jesus rose from the grave victorious, having paid the price for our sin to give us eternal life! We hope you had an Easter with God’s presence in it, no matter how you may have spent it. It is good to remember that the disciples were all locked down the first Easter as well (Jn 20:19), but Christ came amongst them and revealed His victory over sin, having paid the price to give us eternal life. Check out our Easter video on “Jesus, our Rock of Ages” on our YouTube Channel Grace World Mission.

As we have been locked down in California due to the recent Coronavirus, we have actually continued to minister and do meetings through mobile means. In fact, on a recent online meeting we had a blessed time as the Holy Spirit ministered at the end of a Bible Study we did on the grace of God. We received this testimony from one of those ministered to: “Man I felt the power of the Holy Spirit just pour on me like a fire!!! Wow…I’m just so joyful right now!"

We had regular ole in person meetings in San Diego, Orange County, and in the Southern Border region before the recent Coronavirus situation and experienced the Holy Spirit moving powerfully in those meetings as well, with many receiving the filling of the Holy Spirit, healing, as well as some receiving Christ!

Divine Leading and Appointments

We’ve been blessed to experience some powerful divine leading, and divine appointments, by the Holy Spirit over the years.

In fact, we recently got an email forwarded to us from a lady we had a divine appointment with while eating dinner with some friends a little while back. We felt led to change the location of where we were going to eat. Who knew paying attention to that still small voice on something seemingly so minor would matter? But it did. This lady we met during the course of the meal got powerfully touched when we got to share and minister to her:

I am not sure if you remember me, we had a long conversation one night after I got off work at Texas Roadhouse a little over a year ago. God has been working on my heart since then. I have been wanting to take the time to write this letter to sincerely thank you for that night... It was no coincidence how the decision to go to Texas Roadhouse rather than Outback Steakhouse came to be. I truly believe God put you there to speak life into me and I cannot express how grateful I am. Since that night my life has drastically changed. I left one chapter of my life and entered into the best one so far, with many opportunities and an abundance of joy. All four of you [Jeff, Bryan, Mercedes, Patrick] including Bryan and Mercedes’ son… stayed after your dinner and poured life into me as you explained the power of the Holy Spirit. God has taken me under his wing, and now I walk closely with him.

Great emotions come over me as I think of that night and how it changed my life. I just want all four of you to know how thankful I am for everything you do in life. I don’t know you that well but I know in my heart how well you serve God. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


We are thankful to be used by the Lord to have an impact on her life, thankful for God’s presence in all situations, and thankful for all your prayers and support!

God bless!
Bryan and Mercedes Marleaux

Grace World Mission
YouTube Channelhttp://www.youtube.com/graceworldmission
Blog --Grace Notes-- http://gwmgracenotes.blogspot.com

1 comment:

  1. Un abrazo fuerte a los dos!! ojala pronto nos pudieramos juntar!!! bendiciones
